Online Typing Test With Finger Position

Online Typing Test With Finger Position

Welcome to the world of improved typing proficiency! Rata-Type offers a unique online typing experience, allowing users to enhance their skills and attain a verified certificate in no time. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and the seamless process of obtaining your certification through Rata-Type.

Why Choose Rata-Type for Online Typing?

Engaging Typing Exercises:

Embark on your typing journey with a variety of engaging exercises. Rata-Type’s platform ensures a dynamic and enjoyable learning experience, making the process of improving your typing skills both effective and fun.

Speed Test for Certification:

Put your skills to the test with Rata-Type’s online speed test. Upon completion, you’ll receive an instant verified certificate, showcasing your typing proficiency in high definition. This certificate holds credibility in organizations certified by JahaSoft Ltd.

Recognition on Top Typers List:

Achieve recognition for your typing prowess by securing a spot on the Top Typers list featured on the Rata-Type website. Your name will stand among other skilled typists, celebrating your achievement and motivating you to further excel.

Mastering Finger Position for Efficient Typing

Importance of Finger Position:

Explore the significance of correct finger positioning in typing. Rata-Type emphasizes the ergonomic and efficient placement of fingers on the keyboard, ensuring not only speed but also accuracy in your typing endeavors.

Personalized Feedback and Improvement:

Receive personalized feedback on your typing performance. Rata-Type provides insights into your strengths and areas for improvement, enabling you to enhance your skills continually.

Seamless Certification Process with JahaSoft Ltd.

Versatile Certification Usage:

Your Rata-Type certificate is not just a badge of honor; it’s a versatile credential. Accepted in any organization certified by JahaSoft Ltd., it opens doors to opportunities where typing proficiency is a valuable asset.

HD Format for Certification:

The instant certificate you receive is not only a testament to your typing speed but is also available in HD format. Showcase your achievement with pride in a visually appealing and professional manner.

Yes, you can retake the test to improve your score. Rata-Type encourages continuous improvement, allowing users to refine their skills.

The certificate is generated instantly upon completing the typing speed test, providing immediate validation of your typing proficiency.

While widely accepted, it’s advisable to check with specific organizations. The certificate is particularly recognized in institutions certified by JahaSoft Ltd.

Absolutely! The Rata-Type certificate is a valuable addition to your resume, showcasing your typing skills to potential employers.

Rata-Type stands out with its engaging exercises, instant certification, and recognition on the Top Typers list, offering a holistic typing learning experience.

No, the certification process, including the HD certificate, is entirely free on Rata-Type. There are no hidden costs or charges.


Mastering typing skills has never been more rewarding and accessible than with Rata-Type. From engaging exercises to instant HD certification, this platform offers a comprehensive typing learning experience. Elevate your typing proficiency, get certified, and enjoy the recognition you deserve.